What is a KwH anyway???
OK, So i just assume that everybody reads
the treehugger. But knowing that i have somewhat teary-eyed optimistic rose couloured lenses, I figured i would include a link to a great little article by Mike Capone in Treehugger called
"What is a Killowatt Hour anyway?" It's a great blow-by-blow understanding of what exactly this means, and it's especially important if you have any plans of going off the grid (not only that, but the comments are quite educational)! And hey, even if you plan on not having back-up or leaving the grid, but want to be proactive and do the net metering "grid connect thing" knowing this will still be the best way to ensure that your meter actually does go backwards.
Treehugger usually does a stellar job, but this MGR article is uber fine! Thanks Tree!