No, Seriously, this slimy green climate change solution did actually come from Roswell New Mexico. But far from Alien, they're older than us!
There's a company I think everybody ought to be watching. It's called
GreenFuel Technologies and in the same way that SVO Biodiesel has far outpaced the old B20, this new technology will take biodiesel to a new level. This technology will actually suck CO2 out of the air, compost half and use the rest to drive people around. Yes it's just that good. What GFT do is grow algae (who love Carbon Dioxide and turn it into chlorophyl about 1500 times faster than the next fastest plant). They grow it in the waste gas of coal-fired electricity plants.
I've heard that they are getting between 30-80% reductions of CO2 from their system, which looks very modular, and easy to fit in most coal fired generating plant. It looks like this:
This is quite an evolution! When the technology was first discovered and perfected by
John Sheehan and the folks at the NREL, they were getting 90% efficiencies. But of course it was on flat beds of slimy water that went on for acres and acres.... this new systems may not be as efficient (yet!) but is certain to spread.... keep your eyes peeled and tell all your friends!