well, we're now watching
Tropical Storm Gamma turn into Hurricane Gamma. while they like to say that it's the 24th storm this hurricane season, it's misleading, as before Gamma got it's name, it was called "TD 27" Or the 27th tropical depression. Again I hope that it doesn't wreak too much havoc, as they say, (after it's stay in Honduras and Belilze) it will descend upon Floridians once more...
Now, with 27 storms, you may want to look at this whole "climate debate." Is frequency increasing? Is size and or packed-energy increasing? Well two tools for you if you are so inclined: 1) Oxford University just launched their new site:
"The Basics of Climate Prediction" for all you junior climate sleuths, they offer free software to help with your predictions (of course if you've been reading this for a while and already have your decoder ring, you also already have
your own desktop General Circulation Model, right?)
2) The other goodie I have for you is a little scary. And its already out-dated, but it's a movie from NASA (always fun!). It's the 2005 Hurricane season at a glance (well upto wilma, no greeks). It's only about a minute and a half long, but gives you a great idea about whats going on in the tropics....
check it out here