Paris' new Feed In Tariffs go beyond anyone's expectations
OK we've talked about
Feed In Tarrifs before. But nowhere have I heard the seriousness of what just happened in France. Wow! The Government just announced that the EDF, their electricity purchasing body, will be purchasing solar power from individual residents and companies, and unlike here, where we hope to see a modest 15% feed in tariff (they pay a 15% premium, more for your excess solar electricity then the selling price), France has taken it to a new level. Now, the EDF will be paying residents a 50% feed in tariff (they will pay people 50% more). And, if you happen to be a business and have solar panels on your roof, they will buy that with a 100% feed in!! Yup! They will pay you twice what they charge people for dirty nuclear electricity. Don't believe me?
check it out for yourself