Wow. Bruce didn't edit a word. weird. For those of you who don't know-- Bruce Stirling is The Man when it comes to green design (he pretty much started the entire movement), futurism, and especially climate-change activism.
Bruce, who co-wrote cyberpunk gospels with that Gibson guy, who spoke my most favorite quote; "the future is already here, it's just badly distributed," and who writes some of my favorite scifi (actually, the only scifi i read-- and probably because climate change is always either a major or minor character), and who has a book called:
..about a bunch of storm-hackers who virch into the biggest warming-induced tornato to ever hit. That guy, didn't edit a word. and that freaks me out. See, normally the guy makes these Viridian Notes (Viridian Design is the name of the eco design movement he started back in '99. In fact to read the Viridian Manifesto see Viridian Note 00001). I love reading them because he'll take reports and/or speeches and post them (((but with these awesome funny comments, usually in triple parentheses))), his perspective is rich and powerful (and not in the cigar+big pen way, but in a real creative expression way) . That's why i'm freaked out. See, his latest Note is about New Orleans (actually New Orleans, the way it is now, was described pretty clearly in one of his old books), and he has two full texts that haven't been edited at all(!) no funny comments no quirky perspective.... and its because of how bang-on the texts are. Well, I'll let you be the judge, read
Viridian Note 00451 for yourself....