do u think it can be true?? do u??

Sep 06, 2005 06:03

ok.. i've been living in Toronto for a little more than a year now, and still have not found the elusive Rothman Technologies. In all actuality it's probably a holy grail for good 'ol me. I mean really, if they are ferreal then i can understand why they are keeping all of this sub-rosa. And if they are just a figment of some new age guy's imagination well then it's easy to understand why no one knows who they are.... Now, doubt gets suspended for two reasons; 1)I have personally videotaped inventors in their warehouses and see that years later both they and their 'free energy machines' are hard to find, like you cant even google them,... 2) if they were dennis lee style scamsters, they would be a little easier to find, after all they would be wanting your wallets. ok and 3) because i really really want this to be true.

seems that Mr. Rothman (whoever you are) has developed a method of electrolyzing water (splitting it into the H and the Os) that uses virtually no electricity. I say virtually because there are some metallic-alloy powders that get dropped into the water, and obviously it took some juice to make those powders. As soon as the alloys are dropped into the water, the water starts bubbling and electrolyzing like mad. No electrodes... just like making chocolate milk! Its a twist on good 'ol Yul Browns' gas ("Browns gas" you can find a lot about this if you googit). And while i am still looking forward to finding this Dr. Rothman, i figured at the very least i could toss this one out to the lions and guage response... should i track this guy down?? if you want to read more and/or see a video of this process in real-time, simply click here

!!, diy, hydrogen, greenfuture, new energy

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