Marlo Lewis vs. Al Gore?? on Fox, right? No! On CNN!
In other news, baby foxes, little foxes are called Kits
...So I saw the CEI on CNN last week (well good 'ol Marlo Lie-ass anyway) to give, you know, the "other side of the story." It was nice to see Heidi Collins 'tough' questions to Marlo, i guess, but basically let Marlo jr. rant for 5 full minutes. So the fog about uncertainties just refused to lift... Sheesh! A Nobel Prize and CNN is busy butt-licking the CEI (What? was the AEI and "singer" not available??) That seemed to go nowhere. Maybe Schullemberger and Nordhaus are right. Either that, or maybe this guy below, maybe he can tell us whats up with the weather?
oh wait! that was the esteemed Competitive Enterprise Institute Senior Fellow Marlow Lewis yikes. So apparently the 'global warming crusaders are plotting to put an "Energy Starved Planet on an Energy Diet." And apparently energy efficiency, according to Marlo Jr. will lead to economic meltdown. Mr. Marlow obviously has no idea who
David Goldstein is.
So far I think that weatherman #1 up there makes more sense. But maybe one of these, from FOX (you know, to be fair & balanced) might make more sense...
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that last one is my fav. i think they're on the money! Just like CEI....