
Jan 23, 2007 21:54

prez gets goofy for ethanol!

On the 30th day of Christmas my true love gave to me: 10 potential future presidents, 4 of 9 chief justices, and a San Francisco hippie (in the drivers seat) all ass-embled for, as wolf said a prez; who “to many on both sides, is seen as irrelevant.” But it was interesting as state of the unions can be… The green agenda was pretty clear as a major issue -what I consider the peak of act one of TSOTU (it was the 5th ‘initiative; he mentioned but the most in depth of the five) as basically the details of green went WAY beyond his mentioning of Switchgrass last year…. Sadly it was basically the silver lining as the second act is a sad song about war…. But it is interesting to see that the green is now the good-guy part. So here’s the basic paraphrasing”

On the Econom: not with more government but more enterprise (applause)
Next week there will be a full report on state of the economy But First a) balance the budget (without raising taxes) b) cut earmarks in half c) entitlements (soc. Medicare, medicaide...) and save social security…(applause) the no child left behind act! So lets build on the success, and give local leaders more flexibility to take over schools, lets renew this (applause). Healthcare should be available and affordable (applause) and give will help with the poor kids and old people. For the rest, a tax deduction for health insurance (applause) 100M people will be able to no longer be getting health care from their jobs. (applause) Laws & Borders… temporary worker program (applause) oil = terrorists therefore diversify our energy supply.. clean coal.. solar & wind and clean safe nuclear power (not nukular, nuclear) battery research for PHEVs, and biodiesel fuels (applause) new methods of ethanol (applause) everything from woodchips to grasses and agricultural waste… and now more dramatic advances are within reach. Lets reduce gasoline usage by 20% in the next 10 years (applause) 35 Billion Gallons by 2017 (applause) modernize economy standards, and conserve by 2017. But we must develop our own oil and lets double the strategic oil reserve (applause) better technologies to be better stewards AND BETTER TO CONFRONT THE SERIOUSD CHALLENDGE OF GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE!!! (applause) (((OMG DID HE SAY THAT’S????)))
[wo; that’s a pretty big endingt go out on in the Eco Minuet. Impresive] courts, “horrors of that September morning” and we must “take the fight to the enemy” they will spread their totalitarian ideology, what’s coming is even worse, and now Shia extremists who want to dominate the middle east and we will do our duty to protect the American people (applause) 92,00 new toops, plus a new reserve citizen corps!!! Holy Land! OO00oo Eeeek. OK I don’t think I can listen to any more of this, I really just wanted to hear the eco part of his spiel… ok so that’s all for the State of the Union… It’s amazing how many solutions were mentioned there. That’s great. I wish it wasn’t just the jam to hide the rest of the bitter pill…


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