Volksaufklärungundpropaganda 2.0
[apoligies in advance, this is only marginally a green story. So far... You can be sure these kids will soon make it a green issue as well. So might as well get to know your enemy]
Get ready kids! The revolution is coming, and to make it easy and palatable it’s a Read/WriteWeb kinda thing (myspaz, utube, pliggs …lj?) and hip, like culturejam-tattoo hip… so, finally, it’s here, the much needed catalyst to spark the student uprising and finally put an end to the forces against freedom, and against those who fight for bureaucratic regulations and other Satanic forms of Socialism…. Uh, what?? Well, what did you think? That it was some greenie tool? Please, they’re now on the cover of a major magazine every month, green’s the new plaid or something, the eco freaks don’t need a tool like that, this is for that tiny voice, you know, the one that rarely gets heard (outside of Fox News, and CNN…), this is for the REVOLUTION to get rid of all government regulations! get rid of taxes! And let “Freedom” figure it all out….
They are savvy, they are well funded, they look waykewl. And like Mick Jagger to James Brown, they have taken the best moves from the best activists and culturejammers, only to be used against them. And they are beginning to warp impressionable minds exponentionaly. Not only here, but around the world.
Say hello to
Bureaucra$h! Here’s what the CEI had to say about B$ when they were still sending requests for funding:
"Bureaucrash has found that most students are not committed socialists and, at a visceral level, hate bureaucracy. We are showing them that liberty, not regulation, is the best tool for solving social problems. In a nut-shell: We have gone on the offensive, not only fighting back against last century's socialist onslaught in the culture war, but fighting "ahead" to communicate positive ideas about free enterprise and freedom in general [to students and] people all around the world, international organization of students and other future leaders (affectionately known as "Crashers"). Bureaucrash trains and assists these "educational activists" to teach their peers the true meaning of freedom, taking the task out of the classroom and onto the streets, bookstores, concerts, coffee shops, and other places where ideas are shared, compared, and contrasted. Without a substantial increase in the number of students who understand the freedom philosophy, the future of freedom looks mighty dim. We are proud of our successes educating students and others who will one day shape all of society, and hope you will join us in making this happen."
Some of their campaigns take conventional forms, such as street marches and posting flyers on campus bulletin boards -see, cause, like, the kids at Pepperdine really need to be reminded that they like Capitalism as they walk past the campus bulletin boards, right? They also hand out creepy activist looking pamphlets at places like the Warped Tour:
it’s a fun creative DIY kind of thing!!
Some of their “Crashes” are more unusual, such as street theater performances (like Yesmen but for-the-Man, against the protestors) and publicized clean-ups of the messes left after "save the earth" marches. Nice, nothing like a little jab when you can… oh and they also did a “Smoke In” outside of the 13th World Conference on Tobacco ( blowing smoke at the attendees and wearing T-shirts that say “Smoking is better than Fascism”)
here, they even have a clip of it on their utube channel BureaucrashTV
But as they like to say “ Most of the ideas for these actions come from Crashers. And that's just how we like it. Our role is to help out. For our strategy to work on any large scale, "crashing" socialism and other brands of Satanism needs to be something people want to do themselves.” Although that’s kinda funny because when you think of it Satanism is protected undre freedom of religion, and I hear that its spawn, the Temple of Set, is popular with ex army types….
So they appropriated Soviet iconography to look uber cool, as well as trying to take over pop resistance images like Che. And set it up web 2.0 style so that “Crashers” from all over the world can share their handouts and bulletin board propaganda! Yay! Isn’t fascism fun?
But wait. Don’t Bureaucrash say that they are against fascism? Isn’t that why they want to smoke? And look her e at one ”Crasher” has to say about Adbusters:
So aren’t they against fascism? Well, I guess that depends on if you like the coloring-book version of history or actually do your homework. Because what these folks are for is exactly what fascisms is all about. People think of concentration camps and SS guards, but the Italian fascists (either Mussolini or Berlusconi) didn’t do that. And neither do we. We have happy-face fascism, where the ugliness is swept under to rug so we can enjoy the patina. But the bottom line is still the same in all of these: break the labor unions, depress wages, And impose a rightist ideological monopoly over the media, abolish taxes for the big corporations and the rich, eliminate government regulations designed for worker and consumer safety and environmental protection, privatize and plunder public lands and enterprises, wipe out public services-and cloak this whole reactionary agenda in a kind of a revolutionary sound. Sound familiar?
As Michael Parenti says; “Growing numbers of us have lost our skepticism that "it could never happen here" because it is happening here.” And Jason Talley, Bureaucrash’s self anointed Crasher In Chief is leading this pseudo revolution.
Talley, a talented kid, but sadly a superpatriot has been working with various political and libertarian groups since he left the air force (Joined at 17), but he hit paydirt when he hooked up with our buddies the CEI, convinced them that he was they key to really reaching the youth, and got him a cut of their $3million a year in donations.
Now the hip young revolutionaries have their own Washington office with green screen and all the needed tools to start their web2.0 “revolution.” And like they said up there, they plan on taking it all over the world (its already in Australia
where a young lad thinks they do “great things too. For example, they find out when there is going to be the launch of a book inimical to liberty. Then they go and crash the book launch, so that anyone there sees objections coming from all over the audience, asking the author critical questions which display to the world what a vicious violent fascist he really is.”), and yet to me it sounds awfully familiar…
….but I’m sure they want to have as much penetration as possible in Latin America too (especially now that Ortega is back, hey it’s easier than selling all that crack)
…even if they always throw that “Fascism” word around I guess its also because they have CEI ties that I really don’t trust them. Some people do truest them, they recently got a nice blurb on Page 2 of the Sun Young Moon’s Washington Times (or as Crasher in Chief says “like the Washington Post and the New York Time together” yeah.. just like that, if those were papers owned by a cult leader who has the Bush family in their pocket for some reason…) buy this Times proclaimed:
Freedom Goes Digital! …and they go on to say:
“The Bureaucrash Web site, www.bureaucrash.com, forms the home base for both Web surfers who make 2 million unique visits each year and the 5,000 "crashers" from around the world who have joined the online community. The Web site contains passionate blogs, free, pro-freedom graphics and an online store selling T-shirts, buttons and the like. In order to use viral marketing, Mr. Talley said, Bureaucrash also makes its graphics available on Facebook, Flickr and the Second Life virtual world (((great they can crash in virtual world too!!))) and has countless YouTube videos. "We try to hit whatever is hot," he said. Mr. Talley, a graphic artist, helps create the graphics so they appeal to Bureaucrash's young audience. His designs are bold and simple, making them prime fodder for the teenage and 20-something culture that eats up retro-style message tees. He hopes the T-shirts' appeal will show young activists that they have alternatives to left-wing organizations. "If I were a college student in 2006 and I wanted to get active and I didn't know where I was politically, the left would be very attractive," he said. "What they do is sexy. You feel like you're making a difference."
Gabriel Heller Sahlgren, a Bureaucrash intern from Stockholm, added that the romanticism of socialist ideology appeals to college students. "It's about change, I guess," he said. "It's about revolution." Mr. Heller Sahlgren, 21, said Bureaucrash gives young people an alternative to left-wing activism (((it’s got the romantic essence of socialism and activism, but bundled up in a cynical hedonistic propaganda machine for the largest industries in the world (including but not limited to Koch Industries, Exxon and Philip Morris) so you can look like activist style while still taking it for the man. And hey, it’s about “Freedom!”))) "We see all this grass-roots activism against liberty and free trade," he said. "This is the first one, that I know of anyway, that has actually been pro-free trade and pro-liberty."
Wow. My head is spinning. I can only hope that kids see through this and look to see who is pulling the strings behind Ja$on (as he likes to call himself) and his merry brand of pranksters …especially before this crap gets translated into Spanish.