Well folks...another NYSSMA down. The kids all played really well and I really do love being a part of that community. It's crazy when I really think about all the people I know and care about in that community. It's a bit overwhelming, but in a good way. In other news...
I need to repost Anthony's dream because it may be one of the funniest things ever. The punchline is he woke up sleeping with a lamp in his bed and the dream goes a little something like this...
Alright Mimi, here's what I remember: I was in this field next to a building with
Debra and
Matthew Davis and
Michael. Mike comes up with a Halloween costume idea that we all be "Lego superheroes and comedians." Before I know it, Matt and Deb are completely covered in Lego's as general-looking superheroes and Dan decides he wants to do Monty Python with a Lego Burmese Python around his neck. I apparently am not satisfied with this idea, so I decide to be Uncle Fester and put a light-bulb in my mouth. It lights up and everyone laughs. That's all I remember. ( I think that explains it though )
And then there's that.
Oh yeah I also would like to mention that strange citibike employee we ran into about two weeks ago. She looked like someone just found her and threw a citibike employee shirt on her and said go stand her and answer questions. She was a upper 20's heavy set black woman, wearing white runned stockings and ballet flats. She also had some sort of gold sequined white blouse under her t-shirt, and didn't seem to know exactly where she was. So we go to get the bike again, we bought a day long pass, and it errors. Her answer, "Walk to the next bike station, at that point you can try again" THANKS SO MUCH! At that point we are almost back to where we started. CITIBIKE GOTTA LOVE IT!