Nov 01, 2004 19:47
i was pissed, so i decided to write this.
much to my dissapointment, Resident Evil 4 will no longer be GC exclusive. Sony has whored Capcom into making a Ps2 version, and i am extremely pissed. WHATS THE POINT OF CALLING IT AN EXCLUSIVE IF ITS NOT EXCLUSIVE!!?? The Gamecube needs all the 3rd party exclusives it can get. Sony doesnt need any more, since about 97% of all their games are already 3rd party exclusives! jeezus. I honestly think the only reason other companies don't like Nintendo is because Nintendo is basically the best game maker out there. If every game developer out there took the time and craftsmenship that Nintendo does for every game they make, we wouldnt have useless craptastic games that get shelled out every month like "Barbie horse Adventure 4" or "Tomb Raider 5" or whatever the hell is coming out this month that sucks big balls. anyway, the point is, why punish Nintendo for making quality games that people like to play? but some sony and microsoft fanboys would like to argue that, "OMG! NIntenDo 1s FOr teH k1dDies!!lol!!1!1!" well, piss off. if you're too "mature" to play Zelda:WW because the graphics are stylish enough to make it look like piece of art, or "kiddie" in your case, and you'd much rather go and play the latest Tomb Raider because you like the shape of Lara Croft's chest, then you deserve to be shot in the face and your body deficated on. And for the people who only buy Nintendo game on the GC, you are the reason Nintendo is losing these exclusive titles. GO OUT AND BUY VIEWTIFUL JOE, SUPER MONKEY BALL, SOUL CALIBER 2, ANY ROGUE SQUADRON, AND TWIN SNAKES RIGHT NOW, you stupid fucks. dont be so ignorant, you assholes.
anyway, i'm done ranting now. glad i got that off my chest...