Skool starts today. I am prepared, i tell myself. I always hate the first day of classes, but at least this one will be exponentially better than last semester. woke up too early today, but can't get back to sleep anyway. i've already showered, started laundry, and beat up the kitty. what now? i guess i should go to a bookstore and get a weekly calandar, need a parking permit, need a dayquill. sneezing, not so fun.
made a website of all i'm doing lately: updating constantly.
el gato is silly. he may be getting a friend. we shall see.
off to start the day.
sick that tomorrow starts at way earlier. i have class at 830 am. ick.
oh well.
and going to the gym between classes. already signed up thru work and everything.
no more graves! (yay, actual sleep)
still mad. more later.
off i go!