May 13, 2003 15:34
Well, it seems that school is over and now I'm home giving a general dissertation to the public. My state of the union addresses life, liberty, and my new addition to Gamecube. Before, when I was at college, my gamecube collected dust on the shelf as I wrote papers and acted like a goof ball infront of a variety of strangers. Although, when I had to write my biggest paper ever on Immanuel Kant and his aesthetic views of nature in regards to the beautiful and sublime, I decided to start playing the new Zelda game. I became addicted, yet somehow I punched out a Kantian paper for my Western Lit class. Yay for Scott. Sometimes I wonder how the rest of the world is operating. I dunno, I just had random thoughts lately. Such thoughts follow the lines of, although I'm really happy and amused right now that there is a rape, car crash, and a murder occuring right now. People are breaking up with long time lovers and crying their eyes out, and some are experiencing intense physical pain. I have a strong fixation on the idea of "oneness" in the universe, and I often wonder how in something can crush one's life and yet I still function, seperated from the trauma directly. Perhaps it's the nature of mankind to block out that which is not directly in their line of view, otherwise it would depress the majority of the world. Although, it does give new light to the idea that there can be one thing that exist simultaneously in different spaces in different forms.
Anyways to digress from a lingering and lenghty discussion on the universe and it's properties... I was talking to my friend today about what is the best super power. I find that most people would cheat, steal, and kill to be invisible. I guess peeping in on people in the shower is entertaining to some. For me it's a toss up from being a psionict, or basically being magneto. It'd be wicked cool to be magneto, I'd be all kick ass. But if I were a psionict it'd be my choice of the day. I'd love to read people's minds, and telekinesis is always a plus. I'd float myself everywhere. I wonder if one day I'll ever be able to "fly." Ya know, like electro-boots and gloves or something that repell you off the ground. The boots can push you in a given direction or something. I wouldn't want to be the rocketeer. That seems alittle dangerous. Alright, well back to home life where nothing happens. I'll catch you all later!
Lots O' Love,