Jul 25, 2015 10:40
Figured I'd voice it out (sorta) here rather than FB because it just messes with my happy space over there.
That whole toxic friend crap
I hear people go on about toxic friends, and sure... I bet there are horrible people out there who are toxic, but guess what? They are not what I would call "friends" but dang all the articles written up on just that. What do people qualify as "friend" these days anyway? To me, your either a friend or you are not, or you may better fit in the acquaintence slot (a lot of people fit in here) because I may like you but I don't really know you that well.
But back to friends and toxic whatevers,
Toxic people are not nice, they have no vested interest in your happiness and they would likely just make up shit if it meant making you look bad or feel like a lump of crap. I don't think it has to be described with any more detail.
Friends might be a bit more complicated... sorta
While friends may wish you happiness, this doesn't mean they are going to blow smoke up your ass 24/7 either. Put it this way, if your doing, or saying, a jerk ass thing... a friend isn't necessarily going to cheer you on (though some might), they may just call you on it! However a friend is doing this not because they want to make you look like a jerk, you might just happen to feel that way... and if your being a jerk, maybe it isn't so bad that you feel like one. Thing is friends want you to be the better person, they want you to see you been a jerk and they want you to grow from that experience. Also, about those who might cheer you on, to quietly stand in the sidelines... how do you not know they are enjoying watching you be a jerk and making yourself look bad? Don't think it doesn't happen. Maybe that enemy speaking out wasn't so much of an enemy after all.
It is all those "toxic friends" articles people share, or have shared in the past, that had me thinking... they come across to me more as an excuse to dump everyone from your lives that do not mirror your own but instead dare to disagree, be different and maybe... occassionally call you out on stuff.
("you" being a general "you", I seriously don't keep track of who all is doing and sharing what)