I am alive I swear

Jul 13, 2011 18:26

Just extremely preoccupied with getting my cosplay finished in time for Otakon. 2 weeks until D-day, so it's starting to get to crunch time, where I'm up until 4 am working on a pair of pants I'm not even going to wear. I'll try to remember to take some pictures of my other costumes this weekend, hopefully they will be finished! Emphasis on the hopefully because god knows they won't be :/

I have tickets to a midnight showing for Deathly Hallows part II tomorrow night, and... I'm not ready for Harry Potter to be over forever. Really not. I'll probably cry and it will be embarrassing. But at the same time, this movie is going to be so good that I'm excited for it. Excited to cry, even! Haha.

After all the con craziness is over I will write more fic, I swear. All I do on the computer nowadays is look up tutorials for the things I have yet to do on my costumes and don't exactly know how to do >_< And I keep having dreams where it's Otakon tomorrow and I'm not ready oh nooooo!

cosplay, blah blah blah

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