Long Weekend

Apr 29, 2009 14:19

Keeping this short and sweet, here is the rundown of my weekend happenings...

Saturday went to see Cannibal Corpse in Richmond! It was of course about 94 degrees outside and INSIDE of the venue, much closer to 100 . Everyone was sweaty and disgusting and there was hardly any airflow. However, it was an awesome show with a great set and opening bands that I actually didn't hate. Nueraxis (sp) was probably my favorite outside of C.C. I'd heard them before on Pandora and thought highly enough of them to write down the band name for further investigation. Got to hang out with Kim a bit, though she was busy tearing up the pit. Saw some other folks I knew from Hampton Roads and had a couple of people ask about my band, only one of them I recognized. That's always awesome. Some dude got punched in the cheek so hard it cut a huge deep gash and looked horrible. Brandon being drunk decided to joke the guy about it not being that bad and the guy held up a napkin over it and let Brandon feel how deep it was through the napkin. Fucking gross.

Sunday was house-day. Bought a dishwasher and did a bunch of painting and stuff at the house to make it closer to ready for visitors. Still need a few more furniture items that I think we are going to look into picking up this weekend.

Monday I was supposed to go to work, but got a horrible migraine and stayed home instead. Pretty lame and boring, aside from Intervention.

Tuesday was the worst. Were SUPPOSED to go to Norfolk to see Amon Amarth. Were SUPPOSED to go early for a meet and greet that Shelley worked for me and Brandon. Were SUPPOSED to hang out with Kim and use her sweet hookups to hang with her the band after the show. Got all dressed up and ready to go, started pregaming a bit (ok, a lot), rode with Brandon and got to Richmond where he got a phone call from his work about an emergency in Staunton that he HAD to go to. 20 minutes of attempted negotiations later, we turned around. SO MAD! Oh well, I'm sure there will be other shows.

In other news, life is going quite well. I love my job and they seem to think highly of me, as according to my last performance review on Friday. House is AWESOME, dog is cute, and Brandon is amazing as always. I'm going to assume that the super horrible dark times that made up the beginning quarter of last year are so far behind us and we are being cosmically payed back for our suffering now. Heck ya! Now I just need my Rodeo to die so we can get my 350z replacement. Darn Isuzu and their sturdy long lasting vehicles! I thought cars were supposed to kick the bucket at 200k miles, not keep on trucking despite neglect and abuse!
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