stop being tribal, i will be alpha male!

Jan 04, 2005 03:19

i hate the unit thing that all of a sudden happens when la4ge groups of humans congregate they turn into sides. anything that happens; any hostile occurrence and all of a sudeden it becomes some sort of "us vs. them" situation. i HATE that, and i am trying my hardest to not use the word HATE liberally. but i REALLY fuckin hate that shit. and i hate it when people act differently in different company. the most common being when someone will be totally sweet to you, and then get in a group of people and treat you how they think you should be treated, as opposed to how they naturally treat you. my sister being a perfect example, i know several other of these people, who may or may not know they do it, and they will all remain nameless for the fear that they might read this. someone that is mean doesn't hurt me, cuz i don't really care for mean people as a general rule. but it seriously hurts when a family member or someone i care about acts hella fuckin two faced. i don't even wanna deal with that shit any more, i would love to eliminate that aspect of life. if you gonna love a ninja like me, be proud to love, don't be fuckin like that. that makes me wanna strangle you. when i was youngert i used to automatically close down on people when they hurt me, but i recently noticed that i hella snap on people. on the same subject i noticed that as a kid i was bullied, and now i take every chance i get to bully "jocks" or "meatheads" or anyone i percieve to be the "popular type" and useses perentecees as gnarly as i do, and mispells parentecees and makes no sense. i was gonna be emo, but now ian is being too playful
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