note to self: i miss you terribly!

Feb 03, 2006 01:32

hmm.. this week has gone by pritty fast. these next few days are gonna go by even quicker- becuase i really don't want them to.
i'm really sad that heather is leaving. i never thought we would end up getting so close. i looove her so much. i dunno who i'm gonna do all these things with that she did with me. blahh!
well hopefully pritty soon, my princess jonathan & i will be on a plane to Texas :)

so jury duty yesterday & today. well at least it got me out of work today but i would have rather been there. well sort of. it was an interesting experience & i got to meet some nice people & stare at a REALLY hot paralegal. suits = hott! haha. downtown broward can be nice..

last night i got to see jenn for the first time in a while. it was short, but lately all my nites are haha. we got slurpees! w//the lovely straws!! <33

on my way back from jury duty today i picked up julian & we stopped by the mall.. brief hellos.. Barnies<3 & then went to my house. jenn met up with us there.. drank some chardonnay. [ew] then off to a band practice we went. it was alright.
came home.. felt extremely exhausted but i just had to see my heather♥ & hi-me & joshers. cuddled wiff heather & then i decided to go home before i passed out.

grr.. work in the morning. oh well, at least it isn't jury duty!

peace out niggs♥

ps-robert!! i love you.. i'm gonna be the FIRST one :)
&& alyx- yayyy we get our alone-time with heather :)
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