I love hot spring days: the lazy sound of ice cubes tinkling in an cold gin and tonic highball in the sun; the small rivulets of condensation running slowly down the sides of my glass; the fresh slices of lemon complimenting a perfect mixture of gin and...well, I appreciate anything to do with gin and tonics on a nice warm afternoon in the sun, really.
But most of all, what I really love about springtime are all the friendly critters that come out of winter hibernation.
That's right, it's that time of year for...Toilet Spiders!
Alex's Defense against the Toilet Spider:
3 oz gin
4 oz tonic water
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
lemon slice for garnish
Mix together in a highball glass and bring into bathroom with you. Works best if you drink four or five of these before entry.
Soupy twist!