Apr 18, 2012 22:12
there it is... just to the left of the center of the night sky. Can you see it? That pitch black spot. It was where he stood. No, I never did pick him out before; and I couldn't have told you where to find him 'til now. But, God I'm going to miss him, and I hope you do too.
We are losing. We are losing those whom we need the most. Those brave young people who, upon our advice, stand up for whom they strive to be. They take our words of encouragement as armament against the world of ignorance. They believe us. Well, I think it's about time we come clean. The truth needs to be told. Yes, it does get better, but, only after the hell of battle. For each, it will be different. But the fact is, the ones that will have the hardest fight are the ones so sensitive to the world around them. They are the most likely casualties of this struggle. And, they are the most valuable. Should they survive, they will be the ones who see a reason to displace the ignorance; to educate, in their own kind way. It is our duty to teach them, not how to hate the ignorant, but how to withstand the ignorance and still love. After all, it is their love that is so valuable.
The Holy Grail is not a chalice. It never was. It is the pure heart. It is our responsibility to put all else aside to ensure this heart survives.
We've lost another star. The night is just a bit darker now.
Good night Kenneth Weishuhn, and all the gentle young souls that have fallen before you.