The Wedding

Oct 08, 2007 11:07

The wedding was Amazing!
it was like something stolen right out of a romantic comedy, to the very last detail.
I dont think it could've been more perfect unless I myself had united with my soul mate and lived happily ever after.
before I start let me just say this, The wedding was perfect the last detail, and the warpath I led afterwards, though violent and confusing was all the best to finish the story with.

The Church:
I woke up at 3am and spent all morning franticly excited, one of my Broken Beloveds was going to be wed.
by the time it came to 12:30 the world was steaming with angry heat, and me scurrying around mortified by the idea of being late and wearing a fucking suit was just as hostile as the weather.

my cab finally turned up, but on the way we were hoelessly stuck in traffic,
I flashed a $50 and remarked,
"I'm late for a wedding, get me there on time and I'll make it worth your time"
"A Wedding!?" exclaimed my driver in a thick aussie accent "Christ!"
and so started the 80s movie car chase scene.
screaming around the corner I turned up just in time, making it into the church just as the stretch limmo came around the corner.
the church was huge and old, it gave you the impression it was a natural occuring element in the world, morphed out of oak and stone.

Darting inside the bride's mother gave me a bewildering look,
"Cam" I said with a smile,
and the hush of the church was broken by a shriek, and she barreled into me with a hug.
"I'm sososo glad to see you" etc etc. she seemed to bounce around like a baloon in a gale and her smile reached across her entire face, she looked like a happy apple.

I rushed to my seat at the back as the breast implants...I mean brides maids strut down the aisle, the air was on fire. and while watching my lizybeth emerge from the limmo time stopped, like when a movie cuts to make room for the internal dialouge of the main character. IE: Yours truly

"Here is one of my broken beloveds, all grown up.
you came to me in intoxication and blood, and today you are leaving me in grace and beauty,
wrapped in an air of perfection.
and here I am, silly old Cam, off my face as I've always been.
Proud as a parent, Lonely as a soldier.
Here I am Same old cam in a different skin, and there you are, same old liz in a skin of your very own, waiting to be wed"
as time phased back through she walked down the aisle, the ceremony began, and a single tear rolled down my face, leaving a wet black streak in it's wake.

Outside The Church, Between wedding and reception:

As I'd only just turned up I didnt know a soul.
but that was fine by me as there were people marching out with trays of beer and wine, It may be noted that I could very well have scored the very first beer, if not definately one of the first 5, swooping elegantly passed the gentlemen with beer and further swiping a glass of white wine.

standing in the shade, with my wine glass, my beer, and my cigarette, I was an image of dark class...
perfect makeup, suit, and nails, baring everything to fill your addictive needs.
I watched the milling crowds for all the faces that i knew, and before long faces from the past began to surface.
yes! I Am Here!

Still to come:
The Reception
Gatecrashing suburbia
The Concusion, The Stabbing, & The Aftermath
& much later..
Here's a brief glimpse of what to expect.
At the reception I learned 2 things.
One was that if you took a bottle of wine from a table, a waiter comes scurrying along and replaces it in a matter of seconds,
with this amazing discovery I felt like a kid in a candystore, and as I looked from the bottle in my hand, to the renewed bottle on the table and the waiter dissapearing into the crowd, the grin that cast over my face reflected just that...
needless to say I soon abandoned the use of a glass.
I also managed to aquire a huge plate of roast potatoes and bacon
(no one is sure where or how...not even me. i just managed to turn up holding one)
so I'm hoping I'll soon find a picture of me, standing in the ballroom with my bottle of red in one hand, a fistful of roast potato in the other, and a big
"I have infinite bottles of wine and have magically manifested potatoes!" grin that insured me dances with what seemed like over 50% of the attendance, male and female, young and old.

A valuable secret has been learned...
Any mysterious, well dressed stranger that can manifest wine and potatoes has immediate pulling power,
no wonder Jesus is still so popular...
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