Feelings about DH pt. 2

Jul 16, 2011 13:31

Well! It wasn't as good as part 1. But overall, I was happy with it, I left feeling good. And I think the main reason for this is that I went in expecting to feel good. You may know that I am not really a fan of HP movies... at all. I like Goblet of Fire, and I like Deathly Hallows, and otherwise every movie has left me disappointed afterwards, which led to me going into each new one with very low expectations. DH 1 surprised me and made me optimistic for part 2.

This was my last opportunity to enjoy Harry Potter at an event with other fans. Since I got into this so late I haven't had a lot of those experiences, but this still felt huge and important and worth going into without so much judgement as I normally would. It's not the same, it's not the book, but it made me happy despite its flaws. I finally learned through watching these movies that I had to forever and completely separate the two. So I did. And I'm glad I was able to have a positive ending to my experience.

And now, spoilery thoughts!

Let me tell you right now so I can get this out of the way: I love Neville/Luna, and I can't believe this was in there! I'm not going to lie, I loved it. I think some people didn't like it because they aren't supposed to end up together overall... but that's not to say they didn't have a little something going on in the meantime! I love it. I'll take what I can, ha.

Speaking of Neville, I liked him in this movie, and I'm so happy he got his big scene. But I'm not entirely happy with how they did it. I don't like that he didn't get to do it in front of the whole school, and that it seemed to be more in response to Ron and Hermione's lives being threatened than a show of defiance. What I loved in the book is how Voldemort is like "come to meeee" and Neville is basically like FUCK NO *slice* and then I died. I so wish it could have happened this way.

But otherwise, Neville coming out of the portrait, Neville taunting the Death Eaters at the spells' borders, Neville and Luna - yes yes yes.

There aren't a lot of other specifics that I can remember, but of what I can... the scenes with Lily and Snape were sort of strange and unsatisfying. They could have used a little more detail, and some scenes of them as teenagers, of which there were inexplicably none. But it picked up again with Snape coming back to Hogwarts. Mostly I think they got the mood of these scenes right, because the dialogue in this movie was a little boring and generic, especially Dumbledore's (so disappointed that this revelation about Harry having to die didn't have as much impact as it should).

Snape's death was much more violent and I think that was a good choice; it was one of the few moments in the movie that really had a lot of impact. We weren't given much time to let other moments sink in, especially the deaths of so many of Harry's close friends. At first I was grateful for this because it meant I didn't spend the whole movie sobbing to myself. But looking back, I wish I had been. I wish it had been that emotional for me. I teared up at George talking to Fred before the battle (I read somewhere that George had two ears, wtf, I was so afraid that would happen but I didn't notice) and when McGonagall and Flitwick and Mrs. Weasley and everyone start casting protective spells over the school (this got to me so much, I don't know why. Well done) and when the statues come to life.

By the way, how cute is McGonagall??? "I've always wanted to use that spell!" So much love. Also, um, can we talk about how awesome she is dueling Snape? And how he doesn't fight back, and how she seems notice. I don't think we need to, I think you know. I loved her in this movie.

I liked their treatment of Voldemort as well. I like him making slightly pained noises, and looking terrified, and falling over. I liked the Malfoys and how they ran away. Greyback's one scene was suitably terrifying BUT IF YOU ARE READING THIS PLEASE TELL ME, WHO DO YOU THINK HE WAS EATING, COLIN CREEVEY OR LAVENDER BROWN? In the book it is definitely Lavender, but here's the thing - David and I both thought that just afterwards it shows Colin's face, and Sharon and Heather both think they saw Lavender. Please advise.

Why does Harry throw the wand away instead of burying it again with Dumbledore? Why? I understand the idea of it, but I thought it was such a profound gesture in the book. That's what this movie was missing, a lot of the little things that are so deep and profound, but this is where I have to remind myself that I've separated the two and must look at them as two different things. But what was this boat house thing? Why weren't they in the shrieking shack? Why did Bellatrix turn into stone and then explode (omg Mrs. Weasley I love you)? Why didn't a bunch of students get to cast their patronuses at those dementors (a great symbol of their link to Harry)? Why didn't Harry come to see Dumbledore's portrait in his office? Ugggh. Anyway.

But there are some things I absolutely loved about the mood of the movie. The Dementors hovering around Hogwarts at the beginning - AMAZING. Chills. The protective spells covering the school and the Death Eater's spells hitting the shell. The cart ride to Bellatrix's vault in Gringotts. Hermione as Bellatrix. The dragon (so awfully and accurately sad in its color and scarring and movements). The fiendfyre in the Room of Requirement. The forest clearing.

And my final note - I wish Harry had gotten to do Expelliarmus. I can't think of what else to say about this, or even how I feel about it completely, but I wish it were so. I wish Voldemort's death at least had been the same.

I want to see it again, also so that I can clear up some more of my thoughts about it.

Anyway, the audience was so fun! We did 3d IMAX this time, and although we got there a little later than we'd wanted and had to sit super close in the 2nd row, I was so glad to be in a theater full of real fans. Parts that got applause: Neville coming out of the portrait, Ron and Hermione's kiss, Mrs. Weasley's "Not my daugher, you bitch" (loudest and longest applause), Neville taunting the Death Eaters, Neville slicing off Nagini's head (lots for Neville), and a number of other parts I can't remember at the moment, but the point is we had a nice enthusiastic crowd. Also, something I missed because I was outside at the time - apparently someone in the theater sang out "Reeedd Robin", and the whole audience replied with, "YUMMMM". SO SAD I MISSED THIS. BUT also: Mischief managed!! A group shouted it during the credits. I was going to do this per the facebook group, but it was hard to time, and I didn't want to chime in late at the end. But it made me super happy, a perfect ending.

I went as Luna again this year (lots of people who recognized and gave me little comments yay). David wore my GoF Potter jacket and I begged him to wear a child's pair of Potter glasses and let me draw a scar on his head, which he eventually did, and he looked so cute! Sharon wore my Hufflepuff scarf, and Heather wore a pair of white bunny ears for a short time as my Patronus, because omg my sister is the best. Happily there were lots more costumes this year! Hagrid was there again (it must have been the same guy, his costume was so elaborate), along with a couple of Dracos, some Team Weasley shirts, some Weasley shirts like football jerseys, and scarves/ties/robes here and there. Surprisingly I did not see anyone dressed like a Death Eater (for which I'm sort of glad, because people idolizing really evil characters kind of weirds me out).

I also got to see a good friend who I haven't seen for years, and who I've missed terribly, and it made everything that much better.

I'm so sad this is over, and I wonder what I will do next. The Hobbit is coming but I think that is just not the same. I want something to dress up for, to wait at midnight for, the be so caught up in that I can hardly stand it. I'm dying and crying that I couldn't go to LeakyCon this year (if only I'd had the money). I don't know when something like this will happen again. I know this is obvious and silly to say, but I love Harry Potter so much.

I wish this never had to go away.
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