Dec 02, 2014 16:07
Since you've said yourself that The Technology Is Frightening in a certain Facebook page (*snort*), I guess there's a pretty slim chance of you ever coming across this post. No big deal... here's 60c, go tell someone who cares.
So after your last whinge on the SCA international Facebook page, where you slammed your local group and made your Kingdom look like a bunch of Sheriff Of Nottinghams, you took your bat and ball and went home. It was a shame, but we got over it.
But just as the search party had been called off... Just kidding everybody, I never really went away, I'd still like to be a member of your organisation. But I just have this little issue of not wanting being able to do what the rest of the Kingdom does to obtain their membership. Woe! The Technology! The Bad People! The Humanity! The Injustice Of It All!
No kidding? Someone sent you a membership card? Wow, that was very kind of them. You couldn't be bothered doing what everyone else in the kingdom does to obtain membership? You then turn around and blame pretty much everyone else but your own lazy arse? What's that you say? Probably only cost them 60c? No big deal?
We tried. We really, really did.
But unfortunately, you appear to have a bad case of The Dumb. We're not sure it's curable, science just isn't up to the task. So we've given you a helping hand to be on your way. Don't feel bad, really, we just don't seem to be able to get along. It's for the best.