Chivalry Lives, My Friends--Just Not With You

Sep 06, 2014 23:21

Good milords:

If you notice, as you sit before your pavilion in the night season, that your close female neighbor has forgotten, or not yet learned, that changing clothes while using a light source in a single-walled tent will provide a free shadow play to all without, do you:

*Go tell Constab that somebody needs a gentle reminder?

*Stand at her threshold with averted eyes, shuffling your feet and clearing your throat, until she gets the hint?

*Begin talking loudly about how you sure are glad you remembered to turn off your lantern before getting into your garb?

*Stare greedily, then realize that the unfortunate woman is not of the body shape that dingles your Fingals, and feel so offended by this that you show up on a post-event thread to complain about her effrontery in daring to exist within your line of sight?

Congratulations, you drooling cynocephali; you chose the option that makes your character clear. Thanks for identifying yourselves as regulars. I now know which event not to go to.
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