East Kingdom College of Performers

Oct 05, 2012 12:44

Bonjour mes amis!

I'm delighted to announce that the redesigned, revitalized East Kingdom College of Performers (formerly known as the EK Bardic College) will be officially launched at the Coronation of Edward and Thyra next week in Concordia of the Snows. The East Kingdom College of Performers is a guild of entertainers of all kinds: musicmakers, poets, storytellers, comedians, mummers, puppeteers, etc., etc., etc. This community is dedicated to supporting the pursuit of the performing arts both as practiced in period and as relevant to SCAdian history and culture, to teaching and coaching, to making connections among performers throughout the kingdom, and to developing opportunities for collaboration, socialization, multidisciplinary projects, performance spaces, inspirational challenges, and anything else we can think of to entertain ourselves and our audiences!

*All* performers, from the newest to the most seasoned, are warmly invited to join the College roster. To sign up, please send me a private message (just for now; the College website is coming very soon!) with your name and home group -- feel free to add your interests and experience level if you'd like. If you're interested in teaching/coaching or have performance venues available, or are looking for either, please mention that too!

-Sabine de Kerbriant, Chatelaine, EKCP
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