Episode 40: LGBT News Transcript

Mar 12, 2013 00:41

Episode 40 LGBT News Transcript
Host: wook77

Wook: I’m Wook77 with the news for Slashcast Episode 40. We’ve got a lot of random news for this month. For example the AP shows how remarkably with the times and non-judgemental they are by banning the use of the words husband and/or wife for people in same-sex relationships. Instead, even if they are actually considered married by an actual state with an actual marriage license the AP has decreed that they know more than any other person in the goddam world and dictated that their journalists use the world partner instead. So, fuck you kindly, AP.

A case we talked about a few months ago has had a sad occurrence, Charlie Morgan a female soldier with stage 4 breast cancer has died, under DOMA her legally wed widow will not receive benefits. Charlie was hoping to hold on long enough so that her wife - hey see what I did there, AP, wife - would get survivor benefits just like those in heterosexual marriages would automatically. The date for the hearings by the Supreme Court is set for March, and the Supreme Court will still hear the case even though Charlie has passed.

Marco Macmillian, an openly gay black mayoral candidate in Mississippi has been found dead along the banks of the Mississippi River. According to his family he was dragged, beaten and then burned before his body was dumped, however the Sheriff’s department has decided that there will be no hate crime investigation into his death. I’m sure that this comes as a shock to… exactly no one. The have arrested somebody who stole his vehicle and part of the murder.

The former Boy Scout Jamboree headliner and opener Carly Rae Jepsen joins the band Train, who was the closing band, in turning down participation in the event because of the Boy Scouts’ anti-LGBT policies. Hooray for both of them. Unlike the NatGeo channel which is hosting an ‘Are You Tougher than a Boyscout?’ bullshit TV show. I think the obvious answer to that is hell fucking yes any gay child is tougher than a Boyscout considering what they go through just to be themselves openly.

The You Can Play initiative started by Brandon Burke turned a year old, this organisation’s mission and message is simple: If you can play, you can play. It’s been approved at every sports level from high schools to professional sports and the NHL, the NBA, the NFL, professional soccer and more. It’s even got Teen Wolf sport Lacrosse as support.

Meanwhile in the wake of the recent suicide/dead girlfriend/internet/ I-only-talked-to-her-a-couple-of-times-but-it-was-actually-somebody-else-and-it-was-a-dude-and-whatever rocking Notre Dame the NFL has had recruiters asking prospective players if they’re gay. Thankfully though the NFL is actually investigating this to see whether it’s happening, which: duh, and has promised to put a stop to it, which: yay!

Clive Davis acknowledged that he is bisexual and has been in a committed relationship with a man for the past few years.

But at the most recent Grammys Chris Brown proved yet again that he is a douchbag of epic douchbaggery proportions when he refused to stand and applaud Frank Ocean as he won a Grammy. Personally at first I was really excited because it looked like Adele was chastising him for being a dickface but alas and woe Adele was actually asking to have her photo taken with him and got along really well with him, the fucking dickface. So I’m sort of extremely disappointed in Adele.

You’ll be glad though that the dinosaurs that hate gay people have a new advocate, an extremely outspoken one. Al Quaeda has decried the White House filing of a brief against Proposition 8. You know you’re in the right when Al Quaeda espouses the same beliefs, am I right?! Or am I right?!

[This paragraph spoken in increasingly squee-laden voice] Okay, so if you’ve been listening for a while you know that Gambit and Wolverine were my first slash ship because hellooo hottt, and this was like way back when, like really oh my god I cannot believe how long I’ve been in fandom. So, well, in happy clap flailing, squeeing so loud that I could totally shatter glass at fifty yards because oh my god Wolverine in an upcoming issue of Extreme X-Men (issue 10 if you wanted to run out and get it, and who the hell doesn’t is what I want to know) will share a same-sex kiss with demigod Hercules, but by the by he’s holding a giant phallic symbol sword too, and it’s totally dripping with unknown liquid, so umm, yeah! Wooo. I’m like so excited for this, like you cannot even believe, and okay sure it’s not like the original one, you know the whole Hugh Jackman sort of one, it’s you know, like an alternate universe dude but who the fuck cares? It’s still Wolverine and he’s still in a same-sex kiss, which hoottt.

Anyway, so I’m just going to go ahead and end the news on that happy note, because I’m certain you’re gonna want to run out and take a look at it, which by the way it’s totally worth looking at. So that’s the news for episode 40 for Slashcast, if you have anything that I missed because my brain is totally mush over the fact of a gay Wolverine - oh my god gay Wolverine - please feel free to drop us a line at any of the million-and-one social media places we hang out.

Transcribed by: angelbabe_cj

lgbt news, episode 40

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