Jul 30, 2008 16:41
So just as last night I was complaining about not earning enough.. I get some mail today notifying me they will be garnishing my wages for a clerical error I never was able to get resolved
It all started almost 4ish years ago, I was out of a job on unemployment, and due to a clerical error, EDD decided I wasn't eligible for benefits, and wanted to bill me for the money they'd paid out. I was never able to contact the right people in time to keep my benefits going, and there was no avenue given to me to fight it. So, instead of making about 300 a week, im down to 200 a week.. Thank you Arnold, thank you Bush, you've really started stickin it to the little guys.
So now, I can pay rent and bart.. hmm.. guess its time to get creative with top ramen again :(