Aug 12, 2013 22:18
I spent the weekend with Mom. Saturday, a trucker ran into a power station. knocking out electricity for miles in and around where she lives. Mom refused to leave for a couple of days, till power was restored, so I wound up spending Saturday and Sunday at the cattle ranch with her. That place can be pretty eerie at night, but without power the total silence and absolute blackness was unnerving. Being without A/C in temps over 100 with no running water sucked. Mom called it bonding. *rolling my eyes* Electricity was restored late yesterday. I am so glad to be home with A/C, running water, an oven and my electronics!
Today, I heard that the meter reader raised her shirt to show neighbors what my dog did to her. They say she is claiming that my Anatolian bit her. Apparently there was a red spot, but the skin wasn't broken. What a way to start the week.