Not much to say after reading HBP, am slightly disappointed but not enough to keep me from abandoning HP or H/Hr at all. There is one book left, right? But what I'd like to know is, what the hell happened to Hermione? Since when did she act like that? And I always thought Snape was a bit off, but not really like that. *sigh* Though I did like the
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It's been such a long time since I've heard from you! I feel your HBP woes, but I also share your hope that H/Hr will happen. There seemed a lot more evidence in the previous books that they would eventually hook up, so this mainly leaves me questioning just what JK was smoking when she wrote HBP.
There's still one more book to go. If I just keep telling myself that, I may just get over this total disappointment.
I think the part that hurt the most was how J.K butchered Hermione. I really ... really hope she had an excellent reason for this. Or that she somehow reedems herself in Book 7.
I really enjoyed Harry, though. Harry was just absolutely wicked and I loved all the moments between him and Dumbledore as he was learning all about Voldemort. I would read the book again just for those parts.
Snape? Wow. Predictable yet ... not. I've always held out hope that he was a good guy, and for all I know, this could be one of J.K's clever little hoodwinks again. So I guess I'll just keep hoping.
Other than that, it was great hearing from you! I hope you're doing well and hopefully I'll talk to you soon.
As far as what JKR was smoking when she wrote HBP, well, I dunno...but I hope it was good. ;) I'm sure she has a reason for writing what and how she did, but honestly...I really wanna know why she turned Hermione into such a hormonal, drama queen. I mean, I understand she's in her teen years, but if she's not acted like that in book 1-5, why all of a sudden change her personality without any notice? Eh, maybe it's just me and I'm missing something, or not reading into it as much as I should. I'm sure R/Hr's are jumping in joy over this book...but I shall hold onto my hope until Book 7 comes out.
It was great to see Harry standing up for himself more in this book. That was certainly a nice change of pace. And Snape, well, I always thought he was shady...but I didn't think he'd ever do what he did.
It's good hearing from you too. Tell Stoneheart hello for me if you get a chance to speak to him, and if he remembers me of course. ;) Hope all is well and I will make it over to your LJ sometime soon.
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