(no subject)

Aug 14, 2004 17:12

I thought most people were afraid of Friday the 13th? Alas, I've come to hate Sat. the 14th. People are just not right...at least not at work today. *sigh* Repeat after me: It. Is. Just. TV.

Have you ever had a day, a week, a month, in your life where anything that can go wrong, goes wrong? Bah! So annoying. My biggest peeve right now is that my home computer has decided to take a dump and turn into a pile of, well you know. So I call the support department, tell them what's going on, and they proceed to try and help me out.

Being the computer illiterate person that I am, I was merely happy that someone knew more about computers than me. Either way, they told me to do many things, from restarting the computer, to trying to do a system restore (which didn't work), to repairing Windows XP with the CD. And when that didn't work, you guessed it, it was time to completely install Windows XP. Not that this is so bad, but, every file on my computer is no more (not that I could open them before the reinstall though). And all the disks that I'd saved them on as backup? Nope, can't find 'em. *sigh* I suppose it's my fault really. I'm sure I retarded my computer somehow.

So, updates on UA/SD and when will Goodbye be reposted? Dunno...I guess the bigger question is, how good is my memory? Gah!

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