Our newest family member is here and home! Think her sisters like her? *grin*
Dorothy Ellen was born Tuesday at 7:32 p.m. She seems like a little thing to us, weighing in at 6 lbs, 8 oz - Mairi and Nora weighed in at 8 lbs, 4 oz, and 8 lbs, 5 oz, respectively - but she's healthy and happy, which is all that really matters.
There are a couple great pictures of Dorothy accessible from the hospital's website:
click here, then choose "Baby Photos" from the "EZ Keyword Finder" drop-down menu in the upper left corner. Once you've been transfered to the Our365 page for Memorial Hospital, choose to list babies born February March 25, and then select any of the three Sara W. entries (which are all identical; it seems to have created a new entry each time I made a correction *sigh*).
We returned home from the hospital late Thursday evening, after the older two were asleep. We'll mostly be sticking close to home for the next couple weeks, given how awful this year's cold and flu season have been. The folks at the Memorial Pediatrics Unit are wonderful and I'm sure they would understand when I say that our family's seen them quite enough for a long while!
Speaking of which, here's a picture of Daniel from Easter weekend - doesn't he look wonderful?
He was hunting for eggs with the other four kids.
I'd better go get something to eat - I'll post more when I can, but no promises when that will be. *grin*