Jun 05, 2009 22:21
Alright, that was dumb updating with two words. Here's the brief rundown on my life right now:
Done with first year of law school, hence why I haven't updated in a while. Law school is sort of a big deal and takes up just a wee bit of time. You won't be seeing me on the supreme court ever, but I like what I do and am glad I chose to go to law school. Maybe that opinion will change when I get my grades back in 2 weeks. Definitely it will change when I get back to school and have to start all over again.
No, I don't know what I want to specialize in, and frankly it doesn't matter that much because I only get a few electives anyway. I can pretty much guarantee it won't be tax law, but never say never. I also don't expect to be a trial lawyer, but would not be opposed to such a position either. Not exactly the best use of my skills though (provided I identify that I do in fact have some sort of skills in this line of work).
I am a volunteer at a legal clinic in Philadelphia, which has been pretty cool. They've put me to work most times I've been there, and have assisted/observed several different lawyers with their pro bono clinic work. Certainly I would love to be able to continue such work either through my career or on a part time basis after work. It's amazing the stories people come to us with, most instances where our standards of justice have just plain failed.
Work for the summer is with my property professor researching medical records law, and also with a private company researching for an amicus brief to the supreme court. I'll be in Philadelphia working on all that, but am currently in San Diego visiting my old home. Basically vacation, I love it.
That's the business end of things, hopefully that's not too boring. Personal end...well I don't have the battery life left to say anything about that. Ask if you want.