Oct 29, 2008 12:18
I'm a little over 8.3% of the way through law school now, which basically means I'm half way through my first semester. Law school has proven things I already somewhat knew about myself, namely important here is my incredibly short attention span. I don't use big words because I forget what they mean midway through writing them. In the spirit of this discovery, I'm just going to write a list of short things I want to say.
-it is cold here already, colder than San Diego ever gets. The one exception I can think of was driving to work in January at 4 in the morning. It's still October...
-Speaking of work last year, the company I worked for, Mervyn's, is shutting their doors after 50+ years in business. I will not list "corporate kiss of death" as one of my skills on a resume, unless I go into bankruptcy law (which isn't going to happen).
-Law school is fun. I didn't think it would be, but it is. Sometimes more than others. Actually right now it sucks and probably will for the next two months, but somehow when I come out of it I know I'll have learned a lot and love what I do.
-Living in Philadelphia is intensely more fun and more frightening when the sports teams are doing well. I love rooting for the Phillies in the World Series, but there is a question of how much damage the city is going to take if they win. Since the day I moved here, no Philadelphia team has not won a championship, whereas no team in the city had won one for 25 years previously. Granted there is not a huge sample size there, really only the arena football league team, and probably the baseball team, I will probably still list "Philly sports good luck charm" on my resume.
-I'm really glad I did not choose to go to school in New York. I visited there this weekend and realized just how much more intimidating and imposing it is than Philly. There is no possible way to continue your same lifestyle anywhere in that city, it changes people to its own whims.
-I voted Democrat for the first time, but that's really all I want to say about that. Time will tell if that was a good choice or not.
-I like living alone, but I need to have visitors every few days to make sure I clean. It gets bad otherwise.
-Cooking Chinese food on a whim is a terrible idea if you don't know the recipe. Even if you do, there is no Febreeze/scented candle/exorcism/air freshener/fumigation/ventilation that will get that smell out of your tiny apartment.
-I have no business aptitude, so I'm really pretty happy I didn't choose to apply to accounting school last year instead of law school. Now I am just looking for states that don't have tax law on their BAR exam.
-I like criminal law the best of my classes right now. It used to be torts (covers most lawsuits, not cakes), but I have a problem with how easy it is to collect money from people that seemingly have nothing to do with the injuries that result.
-I'm tired of hearing announcers at baseball games complaining about how black athletes aren't playing baseball as much anymore. I see three major problems with their reasonings: 1) I feel like anyone who says there is not a problem gets labeled a racist, which most definitely is not true, 2) No one raised a peep except in jest about the fact that white athletes are disappearing from the NBA and the NFL (I don't care that they are, but I think if anyone tried to bring it up, they would be shunned from the sporting community for holding the opinion), and 3) there are only so many spots for professional baseball players, creating all these camps and programs with the idea of making inner city blacks into ball players is perpetuating the stereotype that poor blacks have two chances at life--hip-hop music or professional athletics. I don't see many camps and programs for inner city kids teaching them about law or medicine or accounting or teaching or architecture or art or engineering. Great if a few kids like Jimmy Rollins make it out of bad situations and win MVP awards and huge contracts, but praising these camps as some sort of paragon of new civil rights is a disgrace. Sorry, that wasn't a short thought at all.
I miss California but also like it here. I'll update again sometime when I have some kind of earth shattering thing on my mind.