Title: Pride
slasheuse Pairing: Regulus/Sirius, mentions of Sirius/other and Regulus/other.
Rating: NC-17.
Warnings: Incest (obviously), chan (Regulus is fourteen), possibly a case to be made for dub-con in the first half of the fic. And, um, the total lack of plot.
Author's Note: This is pure pr0n. Please do not look for redeeming literary value. This is just 2,200 words of incestuous channy hatesex with cheating, violence, emotional instability, Gryffindor stupidity and multiple orgasms. That said, enjoy! Feedback is lived for.
Summary: Someone else should be where Regulus is now.
god, he may be a brat, but sometimes he's cute )
x-posted somewhat.