Paul Jessup's Weekend Novel-a-Thon

Jul 26, 2011 11:12

Ever wondered how the words get written, the magic gets summoned, the real heart of a book gets made? Here's your chance.

One of my favorite writers of the strange and surreal, Paul Jessup, is going to a weekend-novel-a-thon. This weekend (and the two days prior), he will crank out a whole novel -- that's 40-50 THOUSAND words. That's a LOT, ladies and gentlemen.

...But wait, there's more.

He will also blog about it as he writes it! You will be able to follow along, near-live, as he spins a novel whole-cloth from his head. And, better yet, you can vote on the title.

More info, here:

Go Jessup go!

cool stuff, pimpage

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