Shaolin Wushu, Chen long form, Push hands, Xingyi spear
We did Chen Taiji longform last night -- good to go through it again.
We also did push hands -- where I attempted to apply the (very odd) Chen-style stance ("Half-Bow Stance, Half-Horse Stance). I ended up getting a lot of points on Harold, who I normally can't touch. I was surprised that I did so well. Techniques that really worked:
1) "Cold Power" on his front shoulder (pull forward to bait, then push backward when he tries to counter)
2) Grabbing the tricep of his front arm and pulling him diagonally across my body.
3) Snaking my back arm over his back arm, and getting a grip on his torso. Then pulling his wieght onto his front leg and twisting him off balance.
Also did some Shaolin Wushu -- mostly line drills. Finally learned the torso-spin, not that it has any use but being pretty.
I also learned the first small piece of the second Shaolin form. The moves that feel most powerful are the kicks that twist into horse-stance side punches. This looks, to me, like "Grinding Step" from Bajiquan, and makes me very interested in learning Baji. But there's only so much time in the world, and I'd have to find someone that teaches it.
I also practiced my old Xingyi spear skills. I can remember all 5 elements (many of them are similar to the straight-sword skills) but they're quite rusty. I cannot yet remember the 5 element linking form.
When I came home I taught Kendra and her friend the first Shaolin form (which is incredibly short, and seems to focus mostly on stance transition)