Writing & novel stuff

Jun 11, 2007 07:46

I'm up to ~145 manuscript pages. 500 is the goal. So much work.
I sarted losing track of details yesterday. Some of my characters are becoming disfigured, others are dying. History, plot, and cultural details are jamming together in nasty piles and need to be evened out.

I started making notecards to keep it all straight.

Also, found a good blog entry on writing here. Even the comemnts are good, espeically about which adverbs to avoid:
"adverbs of the -ly variety in fiction (especially in dialogue tags), and vague intensifier adverbs (very, quite)," I'd like to add "so, then, and now"--these seem to be plaguing me when I look back.

I've been tinkering with the old text as I go. There's still a few things missing or a few things that need to be cut, but I feel like I will end up with a *gasp* READABLE first draft that's NOT completely overwhelming to fix. I didn't get one of those out of my first attempt at a novel -- and that's one of the three reasons I ditched it.


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