Title: The End Has Only Begun
Author: Nora [
Pairing: Lilah, Lenore, Lindsey
Rating: PG
Prompt: 47 - Heart
Word Count: 1,094
Authors Note: Partly continued from Late Night Meetings [Lindsey/Lenore]. I need to move to a quiet house so I can think and write fic, this is way late. Sheesh.
What do you get with a powder keg and a match.... )
Comments 2
Lilah knew how Lindsey got around vampires, especially ones that were blonde and had a master’s degree in manipulation. Lindsey might be CEO of Hell Inc. and be bestowed with ungodly powers but he was still dumber than a first grader when it came to the opposite sex.
How absolutely true is that? Awesome little paragraph. *g* I adore how Lindsey's finally hauled himself up to the top of the ladder and he's still got Angel on his mind.
Noyes cameo! X-D
Hey, I like these two ladies together! Very neat dynamics between them that you've got going here.
It took me all too long to come up with the right analogy for him, I was going to say juvinile but then again that's pretty much the same thing. lol. You know my logic, cause it's barely there.
Worlds favorite evil Dr!
Ty sweetie. I think my favorite line had to be the part at the end, we all know things don't leave Lilah speachless either!
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