Bored out of my mind

Aug 19, 2006 17:03

Well it's saturday and I've done nothing but post a poem in the restricted section for the marauder diary. I've emailed, read the DaVinci Code *ducks away from Nor's pitchfork* and now reading LJ. I really should have been out today doing something for biz...but i really have this utter lazy thing inside me. plus it's hot, so the idea of getting all made up and looking cute to run errands in a hot car really doesn't thrill me.

Oh how i long for something fun and exciting. An adventure of sorts. heck i feel like driving 2.5 hours to my INlaws just to do something. I need to drop off product but i'm waiting to see if i do anything first.

Just bought season tickets to a theatre in town. Realy shouldn't have, but 3 shows for 2 people at only $99 ain't bad. The problem is that now I have that much less money for doing other fun things in the near future. Plus i've gone out to dinner twice this week, and the only thing i can think of doing with friend tonight is well...going out to dinner. Anyway, hopefully things will pick up.
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