A writer writes

Mar 16, 2009 13:22

I've had a mild nagging (only mild, mind you) feeling that I should be writing.  Now.  I'm still in that mode: "Okay, kids are in school, laundry started, groceries shopped, I can get two hours in if I skip lunch - Go!"  However, I've found it's really beneficial for me to step back after finishing a WIP (phew) and not angst about getting writing time in when I can.

I have to remind myself: I COMPLETED A NOVEL! I can take some time off!  My brain will not like me if I don't.  I need to let things settle.  Besides, I am waiting for critiques and will want to be free to address those when they come in.

I think part of my problem is that I associate not writing every spare minute with not getting any closer to my writing goal.  I hid from doing anything with my writing for a long time until I realized if I ever wanted to be published I had to start working my butt off.  Stopping = fail.

I'm giving myself permission to go into mull mode - and not feel worried/guilty/restless. 

writing process

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