Ok, I feel a duty to update my blog after the abuse given to me by people, but be warned, I'm not in a very organised mood and intend to ramble a hell of a lot more than usual (yes, it is possible).
Marc's theft
Marc has decided to add me to his blog 'thingy'. A little unusual, I somehow feel mildly violated by this action. Like Marc has stolen my inner most thoughts and added them to his own. Clearly Marc is some form of Borg like thought collective. Apparently resistance was futile.
http://www.marcomorain.com/ if anyone who isn't on it cares. I wouldn't bother though, its a collection of my rocking blog, and some random Irish peoples blogs. Uh huh. Talking of Marc, we get to my next topic...
Random Irish Pikey Sayings
I've never met a man in my life who would think the following statement : "Hey Olly, did you watch the news when 'your man' blew up that helicopter?", made sense. My man? I don't know anyone in the middle east. Nevermind one with an RPG. WHO WOULD BLOW UP HELICOPTERS. But nevertheless, no matter how many times I give him jip for it, he continues to associate the entire world to me, as my 'man'.
Crappy Quiet Weekend
Probably the cause of all this ill-tempered rambling, my weekend sucked. On Saturday I woke up, went downstairs and started playing some random EA boxing game. With Will and D watching. For 9 hours. 9 Hours. I went to bed realising I had pissed an entire saturday away and felt very disappointed with myself.
I obviously awoke Sunday with much better plans. Which were layed to side so I could play the same crappy EA boxing game for another 8 hours, with Will and D watching. Then BOOM, my weekend was all but gone. Gah. Anyone who tells me that taking stupid amounts of drugs over the weekend is a waste of time, REALLY wants to try one of my weekends when I don't take anything.
YAY! YAY! YAY! I got my bonus letter on Friday. More than last year, which is good in a monetary term because I'm poor and lots of money is always good. But much better in a self reaffirming manner. I was handed a piece of paper which essentially said :
"Dear Mr Hume
Yes, you do still rock. SCEE loves you. Keep it up!".
Of course I fully intend on blowing all of it on crap. After paying the 400 people I owe money to back. That'll be fun.
Beard Disease
After mentioning in a previous blog that my head likes to knot itself up in its own hair, Matt helpfully pointed me to this website :
http://www.dermnetnz.org/dna.pfolbarb/pfolbarb.html Now, if you can't be arsed to read the link, here is some of the top advice for curing my ailment :
"Initially, let the beard grow for 30 days to eliminate ingrown hairs."
"Consider laser hair removal. In some cases, this is much more effective than any other measure."
"If the above measures fail, accept that you have to grow a beard!"
So my choices are grow a beard, grow a beard, or be shot in the head by a miniature Deathstar. GO GO Medical Science!!
The worst drink in the world
Imagine the scene. Friday night, in the new Llyods in London. We are all out celebrating Williams birthday. A fair few shots/pints into the night. Then imagine Nik, stepping upto the bar with what he considers the best idea ever. He orders a drink, so vile, it is impossible to quantify in words. I give you :
Niks vomit cocktail
4 shots of Sambuca
4 shots of Baileys
HALF A BOTTLE of tabasco sauce
Mix all of the ingredients until suitably curdled and then pour with a satisfying lumpy nature into shot glasses. Give to unsuspecting people and watch as they try desperately not to gag and throw up the entire nights drinks in one go.
Nik, the drinking world salutes you!
Plans for this week
Tuesday : Bafta Building for some Dolby event. They will hopefully ply me with food and drink, so I'll allow it.
Wednesday : Sing Along release party, with guest DJ's Utah Saints. w00t. Again lots of free drink, so I'll allow it (even there will be a large number of SCEE employees in the belief they can sing, croning out tunes the entire night)
Thursday : Along to Greenwich University to look at some final year projects. Why, I don't know. But as there will be drinking after (again free, but not because its an event, but because Jenny will be paying!) I'll allow it.
Friday : Day off. Booked so I can go spend a large amount of money on shit I don't need.
Wow. I'm so popular. My diary reads like a day in the life of Sex in the City. Without the sex. So really just an episode of In the City. Which doesn't have the same sort of ring to it.
Birthday Bookings
Have now booked TGI Fridays for the 12th of June for 20 people at 18:30. Now all I have to do is decide on what to do after the meal. Drinking part is easy, find a pub, get wrecked. The clubbing part is a little more difficult as everyone of my friends seems to take perverse pleasure in picking a random type of music and hating every other type. Which means no matter which club I choose, only about 2 people will like the idea. Bastards. On top of that, I don't really care, as when it comes to the time for clubbing, I'll be amazed if I still remember my name.
Darians crazy life gamble
The last thing worthy of mention is that D asked to borrow 250 pounds on Friday. Nothing unusual about this, he is as bad with money sometimes as I am. But no, he has managed to take money craziness to a new level. Tomorrow he clears £600. Enough to pay his rent etc. Is he going to do that? Is he bollocks. Instead he intends to bet the entire £600 on roulette on the colour red. This is the sort of craziness I whole heartily support. As such I've told him, that if he makes the bet and loses I will lend him the money. On the condition that I can be there to watch the whole thing unfold. From one click of the mouse, and 15 seconds later, D will quite possibly be, in my eyes, a genius. He also may come out of this as this as a lovable loser.
And with that, I leave satisfied that I have forced my rambling shite on the world for another day.