Nov 13, 2008 11:03
Did anyone see in the paper today that the mother of Nixzmary Brown (you know, the horrible child abuse case) received 10 more years in jail than the girl's father even though the father actually finally killed her by hitting her?! I don't understand how this could have happened. Her court-appointed defense attorney must have been crap. I mean, she definitely deserves to go to prison for a long time because the whole case was just so horrible and disgusting. But really, does she deserve to go for 10 more years just because she's the mother? I think it says something really disturbing about society -- the mother should take more responsibility for the kids than the father just because she's a woman and it's supposedly more monstrous for a woman to abuse her child than a man. That just makes me angry. Or maybe I'm off and was reading a biased account of the story and I just need to do more research on the case. Any thoughts?