Dec 25, 2006 22:43
I've had a good Christmas, but I'm very tired, so this will be short :p
It was sort of a "typical" Christmas, in a lot of ways. We went to my aunt's place in MD for brunch, where there was quiche (yum) and sausage, egg, and cheese casserole (double yum), and pecan rolls (triple yum!). There were also assorted other relatives there, and it was good to see them. We left there a little after noon, came home, started the turkey, did the present-exchange thing, played with the various and sundry new toys (Wiiiiiiiiiiii!), took care of the rest of dinner, and ate. (Dinner was your basic all-American winter feast: turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, a couple of veggie casseroles, cranberry sauce, rolls. Dessert was pie - pecan pie (yum) and a french silk pie (something like octuple yum!)) Afterward, there was more playing with toys, and then the parents went to bed, I came home, and my brother is no doubt playing video games Right Now. :p
Like I said, a good day.
I hope all of you have had excellent Christmases as well!