Game Day Ramblings

May 30, 2006 12:12

Game Day on Saturday was a good time. A few more people show up than I expected, which was actually good, as it meant that the supply of munchies, which would've been waaay too much for 8, got pretty thoroughly devastated. (We actually wound up having to resupply on soda partway through.) What all was played:

Ticket to Ride
Apples to Apples - I wasn't playing this one, but it's fun to eavesdrop on. Listen in on the possible nouns, and try to figure out what the adjective might have been.
Illuminati - I also didn't play this one, but it's also great fun to listen to.
Seafarers of Catan - this one wound up dragging quite a bit - there were fairly consistent universal sheep and brick shortages. Oh, and the numbers 2 and 11 seemed to come up absurdly often this time around :p
and the new game this time around:
Australia. This one is pretty strange. The underlying game strongly reminded stardustshine of the pencil-and-paper game where you have a grid of dots, and you alternate connecting them with your opponent, trying to be the last one to finish off each individual square; that's a pretty good comparison, although Australia's a bit more complicated. It was pretty good, but I don't think it'll be knocking off Settlers or Ticket to Ride from the most-popular spots anytime soon.

I had a good time, and thanks to everyone who came!

Daliron and I went to the game store on Sunday, and looked around for a bit. One thing that made me laugh: the History Channel has released a collectible card game. There was also the World of Warcraft boardgame, which came in a truly huge box, with a truly huge ($90, I think) price tag to match. It definitely looked like, after playing it, you'd have a newfound appreciation for the quantity of stuff that computers solve for you when playing games :p

That's enough rambling for the moment, I think - back to work for me!
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