Nov 04, 2011 17:29
It has been awhile since I posted with any regularity. And yet I am still getting new followers now and then.
So, to make it seem like I still have interesting things to say (and to give a heads up to the folks who still pay attention from before) I am posting an update.
Where to start.
First off, my friend who I talked about in the last part made it through the surgery ok. Still not doing well overall, but he's still alive. (Shut up GlaDOS, did NOT ask for an interlude)
Anyway, He's alive and there is a new development in my world.
I have a new boyfriend.
Yes, yes, I know. Shanie, you just got rid of the last one! Well, this one sort of happened unexpectedly. And then there was much bonding through traumatic experiences. I sort of owe him my life and all.
Actually, remove the sort of. I would be dead if not for Mike.
To make a long and very nerve wracking story short, I had bronchitis. They prescribed me the strongest cough syrup they make to deal with it. Despite my hesitations (I knew better, but after asking the pharmasist point blank and getting the all clear,) I took it. Ten seconds later I entered into a bout of drug interaction that made that the worst night of my life. Thankfully I spent good chunks of it blacked out.
Nope, not unconscious. Blacked out. As in, I don't remember a thing despite being fully awake. According to Mike, I was mood shifting for about 30 minutes (one mood about every 5-30 seconds). Then I started having trouble breathing and asked to go to the hospital. By the time I got there my pupils were shrinking and growing non-stop which made it impossible to actually see anything. Somewhere along the way there I almost slipped into a coma. The last thing that happened was every muscle in my body had a freakout and started tightening until the point of tendon snapping.
Serotonin Syndrome is a BITCH.
The only thing that remained constant was Mike. He stayed with me all night. He didn't let me sleep when I wanted to. (I would have fallen into coma had I done so). He ran around the bed massaging my muscles in sequence when they locked up. He led me from place to place because I couldn't see where I was going.
He was even there for me the next day when the shock set in. (That's not a metaphor. about noon the next day, my body began to process the previous night and I went into shock)
Most of that night will always be a blank to me. To Mike, it is burned into his head. But see, that explains us perfectly. They say opposites attract. Usually they are absolutely wrong about that. But see, in our case, we are opposite sides of the same coin.
For example...
We both have OCD. Mine manifests in a paranoia about dirt that makes it hard for me to clean. His is an obsession with clean that forces him to always clean. Somehow, it seems to work.
In drinking alcohol. He can (and has) drunk himself to death, and upon reaching that state continued conversing with the parametics who couldn't understand how someone with that blood alcohol content was not in a coma, or dead.
I am a one drink drunk. One drink and I'm gone. My blood alcohol level is minimal, but with all the pills I am on, I am wasted.
We both have spending problems. Mine is I can't stop doing it. I have luxury tastes in a ghetto budget. He won't do it at all. He makes far more money than I do, but only shops at Dollar Tree.
In school. I can NOT do MATH. AT ALL. Really, I have friggin Math Phobia. Even basic math freaks me out. But I am quite a skilled reader.
Mike can do Math well. It's one of the only subjects he could do in school. But he's severely dyslexic and considers himself barely literate. It leads to a good deal of teamwork. For example, scratch off lotto tickets. I read him the rules for each one, then he can calculate any possible winnings in his head.
There is one thing about us that is identical though. Well two, sort of. We both have self esteem problems and we both would do anything for each other. He keeps trying to explain to me that he is broken, or damaged goods. I keep telling him that I was wrong from birth. But because we each help the other, it's never at the same time. I give him pep talks when he is down, and he's there to pick me up when I'm all symptomatic.
As for right now, he is in bed because he ended up with the Bronchitis I had last week. I told him not to kiss me while I was sick. Naturally he wouldn't listen to that little tidbit of logic.
All in all, I think there are good things in store this time around. I have never met anyone who compliments me as well as he does.
Did I mention I dated his brother in high school? For like 2 years? He claims he's loved me since then. Don't worry his brother is ok with it. Actually says good for me. I'm just hoping he STAYS ok with it. Mike's brother is a paranoid scitzophrenic, so his moods are rather changeable.
Till Next Time.