See, when I say I am back, I mean it. Complete with a new paid account I bought with the money leftover from Rapidshare. Granted, it's only a month at a time thing, but the point is, I got my nifty design and all my pretty icons back. Actually, I picked a slightly different nifty design, but it's close enough.
Oh yes, RapidShare. Now, I'm sure you are all wondering why I would buy a RapidPro account. Well, SIMPLE. I need a place to store some stuff. Also, I'm considering making a massive year by year ZIP file of all my gifs by fandom. Sort of like putting them all in one place so if you want them all, you don't have to go post hunting. Although, it would be massive indeed. Currently my gifs folder (which houses just about every one I've ever made, sorted by fandom and season/era) is.... *drumroll* ... 3.87 GB. But, seeing as how I have 150 GB of bandwidth, I can work with it.
Oh, and there is one more bonus.
So that being said. Here is my video resume from the past 6 months or so, and a bit about each one for those who forget
Come On This is a happy little Barney/Ted vid I made because there simply were not enough of them. There still aren't. Strangely I was introduced to this song in a Who Vid for Eleven. I decided I liked it better with these two.
Danger Zone This one is either Eleven & Amy or Eleven/Amy. I tried to leave the interpretation up to the viewer as much as possible. Again, I was first given this song as an anthem for someone else (Captain Jack) but the moment I read the lyrics I realized it was much better suited for Miss Mrs. Pond. How do I view the relationship? Well, that is the million dollar question. How bout I let you know when I finalize a response. You will probably have to wait till the end of series 7, but I'll let you know eventually.
Life's Gonna Suck HIMYM Comedy vid. Because, quite frankly, life DOES suck.
Weathered A remake of a remake of a video I first attempted in early college. I was really into M*A*S*H and I realized there were NO music videos for the fandom. I became determined to make one. However computer trouble set me back on the first attempt and the second attempt was completed, only to be lost when the computer bricked overnight. This is the third try. Hope it works.
What's My Age Again? My attempt to break myself from the pattern of setting each clip to each lyric. Yes it's nifty and all, but in reality, It's really annoying and only works when you can understand the lyrics. HIMYM Comedy Vid
1000 Words. Yes I know I was not the first person to think of this, but I did not steal anything. Didn't even watch the other person's video. But I did look at the timestamp which told me they used the short version of the song. Naturally that meant I had to use the six minute orchestral version. Did I mention this is the largest file of the bunch, cuz yeah, it is. Oh, and the song if from FFX-2.
I Stand Alone This was a practice run for a more intense video I have planned. I had the idea for a Xena:WP video a ways back to this song. Evil/Dark Xena to be exact. But I never made it. Now I feel I'm ready, but didn't know the song well enough. Soooo I made a New Who video to the song first. Basically the meaning is that for all the companions he tags along with, he is still alone in the universe. Oh, and if you haven't seen any spin off or 2010 christmas special, don't worry, I skipped that footage. Clips are taken from Series 1 - 5. The frustrating thing about that is during those 5 (and a half) seasons, all but 2 were Tennant. That means the video is definitely Tenth Doctor heavy. But don't worry. In a way, EVERY doctor makes an appearance. (LOVE THE ROLECALL CLIP!)
and Finally
My Uber Epic Fandom Vid, I will not describe beyond this... It is my Fandom History. If you want to see it, Fine. If not, leave it.
Don't forget feedback feeds the hungry Muse!