May 20, 2005 20:06
Title: Supposed to be
Pairing: Nick/Greg
Rating: PG
Supposed to be
He didn’t just say that. He can’t have, because to say those words would mean we’re breaking up and he wouldn’t break up with me- would he? No, of course not, it’s only been a few hours since we were last in bed together, sweat covered sheets twisted amongst our feet, only a few hours since he first uttered three magical words. I love you. He actually said it. So how could it be over so suddenly, without cause or reason?
I must have been hearing things, all these years of playing music five times louder than the criminally insane has affected my hearing because Nick, my Nicky, wouldn’t break up with me.
But that’s what he’s just done; it isn’t my over-caffeinated mind playing tricks. He just ended it, ended us and is walking away like nothing major happened, like the whole world isn’t falling apart. Because it is, he’s walking away, away from me and I’d swear he’d taken my heart too if I couldn’t feel it pounding in my throat.
I watch him through the glass walls, and the entire world pales and melts away. There’s nothing left but Nick and I. The previously interesting argument between Mandy and Jacqui no longer holds even a shred of my interest; Sara’s frustrated struggle with a faulty machine no longer amuses; Bobby’s test fires don’t even cause a flinch. The hustle and bustle of the Las Vegas Crime Lab disappears completely, as the most amazing man I’ve ever met vanishes round a corner.
Vision blurs and I can feel my bottom lip trembling. I’ve got to get out of here. Turning, I run in the opposite direction, no destination in mind. Anyway is better than here, this lab with all its memories of nightly flirt sessions, of us ‘accidentally’ getting locked in my supply cupboard, hell our first date was cut short by my having to cover for the day tech. I made up for that later, in bed, though.
No, I can’t stay here. I just need to get away.
Blindly steaming down the corridors, I try to make sense of my new situation. He said he loved me; I heard him say it but then why did he, why did he break up with me?
I soon discover, however, that running full pelt and thinking do not mix well as I crash into Archie outside the A/V department. He worriedly inquires about the tears I’ve failed to control. Trying to escape, my arm is grabbed and an explanation demanded. Mumbling some false excuse of an ill sister seems to do the trick, he’s full of sympathy and reassurance as I stumble on, continuing my flight from all things Nick related, and he returns to the job in hand.
Reaching the confines of the small, cool locker room, I sink to the floor, my back resting against the door. Breathes come in great gasps and sobs as I allow my emotions to fully surface.
How could he do this to me? Lead me on; make me feel for him, fucking love him, then drop me at a moments notice? Was I just I game to him? An experiment? A bit of fun? Or maybe a bet…yeah that was probably it. He’s a sucker for bets; it’s the competitive streak in him.
Or maybe it was something I did; Lord knows I can irritate the hell out of anyone. Maybe I played my music too loud when I made us breakfast, or talked too much when we went out to fancy restaurants.
Is it my flirting that’s driving him away? Because that’s a habit I’ll gladly break for him. Or have my shirts become too vile for him to stand to be around me? Has my sugar addiction gotten out of control? Do I act too childish? Do I make him feel older than he is?
Whatever it is, I’ll gladly change just to be in his arms again, loved and whole and with my Nicky.
That’s way it’s supposed to be.
I love him.