Sun, 13:39: RT @ Sargent: As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic blue checkmark. h…
Sun, 15:08: Well that was an anti-climax. The UK emergency alert system is clearly broken; I have three phones with active SIMs and two tablets with 4 and 5G broadband. Of five devices only one got the alert.
Sun, 17:28: Recent Reads: Chaos On CatNet. Naomi Kritzer's YA near future thriller pits AI vs AI, as a second appears. Only this one is in thrall to nhilism, hidden behind games; can CheshireCat and friends free it? A handful of friends are all that stands against the end of civilisation.
Sun, 19:50: So here’s the latest; a chocolate orange brownie made with fresh-squeezed orange juice and then swirled in some of @ marypcbuk’s marmalade.