I so rarely remember my dreams, but last night's was strange. Well, a part of it anyway. In my dream, I was talking to someone while we were watching TV, and all of a sudden a makeup commercial comes on. And who's staring in it,
Just thought I would share.
Comments 5
also, i had a weird dream the other night that i was in montreal talking to psycholibrarian but she had a really short, uber-bleached, butchy haircut.
i dont remember what we were discussing though.
i wonder if she had a dream about you because then that would complete the circle and the world will end haha.
Did I mention you also looked really good. I mean, you always look good, but you definitely had the supermodel hotness going on :D
And I SO wish I could try out really short, uber-bleached, butchy hair. But just for a day in case I look terrible! ;D
And, um, creepy! Should we all go hide in our bunkers now?
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