Going to bed soonish but I felt like writing a bit beforehand. This has been a pretty damn good workweek. A MAJOR project came my way that I’m really excited about and could be great for my career. More later under a locked post I promise.
So yeah, been busy busy. 12 hour shifts, or close to it, yet I still managed to remain social. Dinner, W and drinking. Sadly, none of those three together :-( I told W on Thursday that he’s a figment of my imagination. Oh, and he brought me back organic spiced hot chocolate mix from London. Yup, ORGANIC! Food and encouraging my hippy side, yeah! I kind of feel like we’re Dharma and Greg at times.
Last night was Red Rock West to celebrate
psycholibrarian’s b’day. I drank two and a half (yes, I drank and managed to have more than one without needing to go home and curl under the bed!) raspberry kamikazes. Ugh, my stomach did not feel all that great on the cab ride home or this morning. After the second I noticed I wasn’t feeling great, but I just had to have that other drink. It was so yummy. Other than the drinks, had a fun time and got to catch up with some of you lovely people that I haven’t seen in a while.
Saw a few too many whale tails, well, and just things in general that reminded why I don’t go out to bars. Although there was some lovely eye candy with what looked to be some pretty awesome sleeve work. Yum, I love tats and I love when people make sleeves with them. Oh well, I was good and behaved :D Although some guy did come up to me to supposedly vouch for his cousin. Dude, if you want to hit on me, do it yourself, don’t send a lackey. There were also quite a few armed forces dudes there last night, but once again, that’s something to save for a locked post. Yup, I have quite a lot to say there, but don’t want to write it now.
Was supposed to MTB today but that got canceled due to my buddies girl getting sick. I’m actually kind of glad because my neck still hurts, my stomach was a bit queasy and I had errands to run. Someone at work reminded me that I had a $100 rebate at the apple store, so I went and picked up Leopard today :D Anyway, MTBing tomorrow out on the island for one of my crew’s b’day.
I’m sure work will be nuts, and my evenings are looking pretty jam packed. I have yet to figure out when I’m actually going to be able to do my laundry. Plans for the next week are:
Monday: Aida (the opera)
Tuesday: Shopping and dinner for
psycholibrarian’s b’day
Wednesday: W
Thursday: Cirque du Soleil
Friday: MTB Chic Flick night, b/c yes, we have a sensitive side too (partially tentative)
Saturday: Meetup ride, possibly the last of the season. Snow season is almost here woot!
Sunday: Possible Dinner Party
Monday: Collapse from exhaustion and maybe finally get laundry done plus catch up on all the Heroes, Chuck and Dexter I’ll be missing?
Wow, re-reading what I wrote, this is a fairly lame post. Meh, wasn’t tired enough to go to bed and wanted to write. We can add this to that fluff category I mentioned a few days ago. Hmm, that might have to become a tag.
Did I mention I borrowed a super cute sweater dress from my mom Friday, that I picked out for her the week before of course ;-) because I somehow managed to forget to pack pants the night before? Yeah, not smart. I did however bring and leave a more supportive pillow and left a toothbrush. Deodorant was on that, I forgot it, list as well. Oops! I’m not used to this whole going over to someone else’s place ok. Dating in general seems alien, probably more on that later, but yeah, I essentially realized that my reference points for relationships all pre-date G. Guys in their early-mid 20’s are a whole different beast from guys in their 30s. Yeah, for the most part, I’m liking what I’m seeing :D
K, actually going to bed now!